Python Database Objects (DBO)

DBO is a database object relational mapper (ORM) written entirely in Python. It's similar to PyDO, SQLObject, and SQLDict, among others.

DBO allows you to reflect your database tables into python objects. DBO composes all SQL queries, allowing the developer to focus on other things. It was originally written as a component system for a web framework, but it has since become its own framework that is useful in contexts beyond web development.

It has a number of features:

DBO is written with an emphasis on clarity and consistency. DBO follows many python idioms allowing sage developers a short learning curve.

Currently, DBO has no documentation, but here is a tiny example of how it's used.

Generated SQL commands are hilighted using this box.
import dbo
from dbo.sqlops import *

dbi = dbo.dsn_connect( 'mysql://dbo:dbo@localhost/db', '__ALIAS__' )

class User( dbo.Table ):
    tablename = 'user'                          # table name in the db
    alias = '__ALIAS__'                         # alias used to group objs
    class Columns( dbo.Columns ):               # class containing columns
        class user_id( dbo.IntCol ):            # columns definition
            primary = True                      # column attributes
            auto_increment = True
        class username( dbo.VarcharCol ):
        class password( dbo.VarcharCol ):
            not_null = False
        class access( dbo.EnumCol ):            # special enumerator coltype
            enumerate = ('guest','user','admin')

User.create_tables()                            # write the table definition
CREATE TABLE `user` (username VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, access INT NOT NULL, password VARCHAR(255) NULL, user_id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY) type=myisam
u =                                  # create a new instance of User
u.username = 'Bob'                              # assign it its values
u.password = 'password'
u.access = User.access.guest                    # User is the class!
insert into `user` (username,access,password,user_id) values ('Bob','0','password',NULL)
select username, access, password, user_id from `user` where user_id = '1'
# compound SQL queries use the column types to help describe 
# the criteria to match on.
u = User.select_where( AND( User.user_id != 0, User.access == User.guest ))
select user_id from `user` where user_id != '0' AND access = '0'
select username, access, password, user_id from `user` where user_id = '1'